This is the official Penycae Infant School web/blog.
Penycae Infants School,
Copperus Hill,
Headteacher: Mrs Thomas
Acting Head: Mrs Prydderch
Santa will be visiting both Christmas parties so be good! 7 days until Christmas!
The School Curriculum
The aims and objectives of the school listed earlier will be achieved throught the curriculum to the children at scool.
The nursery and reception pupils will follow a curriculum, which is pre-National Curriculum knowledge and skills. This is detailed in the 'desirable Outcomes for Children's learning before Cumpulsory School Age'.
The 1996 Education act states that the school is obliged to teach the following core and foundation subjects.
The three core subjects of the National Curriculum are English, Maths and Science and the foundation subjects.
Technology, History, Geography, Art, Music, PE and Welsh as a second language, are taught through using structured schemes or through topic work.
Welsh is taught as an individual subject but is also incorparated into various topics through songs, stories, games and associated new vocabulary.
Emphasis is on the spoken word but the children are also provided with oppurtunities for reading, writing, listening, viewing and participatingin St Davids day celebrations and taking part in the Jamboree at Plas Madoc.
Educational vivits and visitors are arranged to provide first hand experience for current topics.
Both Religious and Moral Education are taught through daily assemblies, class teaching and situations which arise during the school day. The school schemes of work for R.E and plans for Collective Worship are based on the Country Syllabus.
Parents wishing their children to be withdrawn from Religious Education should imform the headteacher in writing.
The schools Policy Documents and Schemes of work can be seen in school by arrangement with the headteacher. Any queries or complaints concerning the curriculum should be reported to the class teacher.
Merry Christmas!
We wish you all a very merry Christmas and a happy new year! We break up on the 22nd December!
Accidents in School
Despite out utmost care, accidents do sometimes occur. All staff have had emergency aid traning and their are first aid facilities in the school. The school designated first aid representives are Mrs J Morris, Mrs E Evans and Mrs J Jones. In the event of a serious accident, the head teacher deserved the right on medical advice to take whatever action neccessary. This may mean that the pupil is taken to hospital. Again, we always attempt to contact the parent/ guardian.
School Security - Health and Safety Arrangements
All doors into the school are locked at 9 a.m. and entry to the school is gained through the main door (please ensure that your child is on time because answering the bell is disruptive to teaching and there is not always someone available to open the main door)
The main gate will be locked during playtime and only unlocked when the children remain indoors.
All teaching staff go outside to the rear yard entrance, or the nursery entrance after school to ensure the safe hanfling over of pupils to parents/guardians.
The premises are fully alarmed to protect furniture, equipment and resources out of school hours. Pedestrian and vehicle access gates are kept locked out of school hours to prevent trespass. The outside of the school has lights fitted for evening use.
The Health, Safety and Welfare regulations provided by the LEA are followed together with national guidance and legal requirements. The school has its own safety prodecedures that enhance as neccessary the regulations to suit the specific circumstances of our school.
The Governing Body has appointed a Health and Safety governor to work in partnership with the Headteacher.
The school keeps an accurate record of all accidents on the school premises. Risk assessments of the premises condition are carried out. This is then followed up by appropriate maintenance.
In the interest of security, all visitors are requested to use the main visitors entrance and report to an adult on entering the school.